

主演 : 史蒂文·西格尔,威廉
类型 : 动作片 产地 : 欧美 上映时间 : 2005年 更新时间 : 2016/2/1 20:06:55




    中文名 向望太阳 类型 动作/惊悚/冒险 其它译名 烈日血战/日本攻略 对白语言 英语/日语 导演 mink 主演 StevenSeagal

    剧情介绍 After the assassination of Tokyo"s Governor by Yakuza members, the CIA bureau chief (William Atherton) for Tokyo puts out a call to an agent (Steven Seagal) that had been raised in Japan and trained by ex-Yakuza. Using his former ties, he quickly determines that a war is brewing between old-guard Yakuza members and a young, crazed leader (Takao Osawa) with ties to the Chinese Tong. Siding with the older members, killing and mayhem ensues as Segal chops his way through the upstart gang members. Contains frequent profanity, very gory violence involving considerable swordplay, some nudity and mild sexual situations.
    短评 短评(1)我见过最好笑的动作明星
    短评(2)NT1现在正在播这部片 法语片名叫“L"HONNEUR DES YAKUZA” (咦 竟然看见吴佩慈了呢
