家庭成员: 爸爸: (bob) Robert Gene Carter 妈妈: Jane E. Spaulding Carter 哥哥: Nick Carter (31) 姐姐: Ginger [同父异母] (37), B.J.(28), Leslie (24)(已故,去世年龄25), Angel [twin] (23) 弟弟:Jason⒁ 外祖父: (Doug) Charles Douglas Spaulding 外继祖母: Linda Spaulding 外祖母: Helen Neal 祖父: (chuck) Charles Carter 祖母: Barbara Carter 舅舅: Scott, Steve, and John spaulding 姑姑: 已结婚: Scott`s wife - Roxanne Spaulding, John`s wife - Denise Spaulding, and Steve`s ex-wife - Debbie Spaulding 表/堂兄弟姐妹: Steve and Debbie`s kids: John (27), Steve (22), Alex (21), Josh ⒅, Adam ⑿, and Arynn ⑾ Spaulding; Scott and Roxanne`s kids: Dustin (26) and Derek (24) Spaulding; John and Denise`s kids: Scott ⑿ and Evan ⑻ Spaulding朋友 最好的朋友: Craig Velger Angel的朋友: Allison Murphy, Lindsay Lohan (actress,Aarons ex-girlfriend), Natalie Velger (Craig`s sister) Nick的朋友: Tony Bass, Mike Self, Brett
首次发行 新专辑 AARON的2002年的新专辑在全球发行,虽然他小小的年纪,但是一生的演唱事业仿佛已经如火如荼的开始了,等待他的必将是无限光明的未来。新专辑《OH!AARON》(《天之骄子》),一推出就登上美国告示牌排行榜的TOP7,而这张专辑除了延续亚伦一贯的Hip Hop、RAP、雷鬼音乐风格,更祭出了胞兄———后街男孩成员中的Nick,特别跨刀与亚伦合唱了首支单曲“Not too young,Not too old”以及标题曲“0H!AARON”。专辑中还收录有Im all about you—亚伦卡特首度深情献唱的抒情曲,及亚伦卡特的小王子白皮书“The kid in you”,他借着这首歌向全世界宣告:“永远会以音乐唤醒所有聆听者心中沉睡的青春活力!” Aaron的Oh Aaron - Live In Concert 获得了巨大的成功。 Aaron Carter:很明显,他不是普通的青少年。 正当其他同年龄的孩子和同学一起打电动、看电影和骑单车的时候,亚伦卡特或者正与灯光、音响、舞群、乐手等数百名工作人员一起排练演出,也或者正和小甜甜布兰妮、后街男孩、夏奇……等超级巨星一同为数万名现场观众演唱,当然有时也会轻松一点儿、可以在青少年票选大奖的记者会中向大家报告自己打败那些叔叔、哥哥的心得……流行乐小王子 亚伦.卡特是美国音乐史上拥有连续五首十大金曲的最年轻的歌手,被人誉为“流行乐小王子”。身为当今最红的男孩团体“后街男孩”成员尼克.卡特的弟弟,他是“后街男孩”演唱会的特别嘉宾,第一张专辑在全球各国的十大排行榜上同时也在全球12个国家得到金唱片销售,第二张专辑《欢乐派对》创下多项白金唱片的销售记录,并一举拿下Billboard专辑榜第4名,以迅雷不及掩耳之势走红。第三张专辑《天之骄子》使他荣获第三届Teen Choice Award(少年选择奖)最佳男歌手。 亚伦具有能歌善舞的天赋,对于音乐源源不断的热忱与活力,使他在极短的时间里迅速蹿红。更是写下多项白金唱片的销售纪录。年龄的增长是无法避免的,亚伦将自己的生命完全投入于演艺事业中,现在,他要向全世界呈现流行乐界小王子的独特魅力。巡回表演 在亚伦结束了2001年的冬季巡回表演后,又在2002年2月份又开始将在19个城市进行巡回表演,这次巡回表演的地点多半集中在美国东南部以及中部地区,光是这位13岁小歌手的家乡佛罗里达就有四场表演。十一月十八日亚伦卡特还来到中国台湾举办个人演唱会,引发无数歌迷疯狂的追逐。可惜05年之后似乎就从我们的眼中销声匿迹了,最近的新闻是2006年与《花花公子》模特Kari Ann Peniche订婚,但婚约只维持了一个星期以及2008年因非法藏匿毒品被送往得克萨斯监狱。 2009年,亚伦参加了新一期的Dancing with the stars,并进入了五强。随后推出全新单曲Dance with me(自2005年Saturday night以后的第一支发售单曲) 以及Vindication(一首写给妈妈的歌,小男孩长大了)。自此,曾经的天之骄子,现在正准备重新起航! 2010年,和他的女朋友Maile Hochuli(学生/舞蹈演员)订婚了。据《Star》杂志报道,22岁的亚伦-卡特是在上周末与女友看完《爱丽丝漫游仙境》后向其求婚的。
AC琐事 Aaron has a total of 12 scars Aaron总共有12道伤疤 Aaron has two scars on his face 有两条伤疤在他的脸上 Aaron has six scars on his legs 有六条伤疤在他的腿上 Aaron has four scars on his arms 有四条伤疤在他的手臂上 Aaron doesnt get along with Bow Wow 他和Bow Wow关系不是很好 Aaron doesnt get along with Billy Gilman 他和Billy Gilman关系不是很好 Aaron is a half Jewish 他有一半犹太人血统 Aarons dad,Bob,is fully Jewish 他的父亲 Bob 是个纯粹的犹太人 Aaron is attracted to Blondes 他特别喜欢金发女郎 Aaron hates closed spaces 他特别讨厌封闭的空间 Aaron refused the part of Peter Pan 他拒绝了参演《彼得·潘》的戏份 Aaron played little league football 他在小联盟踢过足球 Aaron graduates high school in 2005 他将于2005年在高等院校毕业 Aaron is right handed 他是右撇子 Aaron is in the 1998 Guiness Book of World Records 他被1998年Guiness Book世界记录记载 Aaron has recorded many unheard Christmas Songs 他录制了很多大家没听过的圣诞歌曲 Aaron mis-pronounces Cinnamon 他总是会读错cinnamon(桂皮)的音 Aaron prefers red licorice over black 相对于黑色的欧甘草他更喜欢红色的 Aaron says his first real job was mowing lawns 他说自己第一份真正意义上的工作是修建草坪 Aaron wanted his child-hood group "Dead End" to be called "Dirty Drumsticks" 他想让自己童年时的团体“Dead End”改名为“Dirty Drumsticks” Aaron can jet ski 他会滑水 Aaron got a scuba diving certificate at the age of 8 他8岁时就拿到了潜水证书了 Aaron got a motorcycle license at the age of 9 他9岁时拿到了摩托车许可证 Aaron got his driving permit at the age of 15 他15岁时拿到了驾驶执照 When Aaron is older,he would like to start his own record label and name in Static 当他再大一点的时候,他更愿意做有自己特色的唱片并且取名为Static(静态 无变化) Aaron swallowed a marble while recording his second album,"Aarons Party (Come Get It)," in NY 在纽约录制第二张专集时“Aarons Party(Come Get It)”他吞进了一颗玻璃弹子 Aaron jumped a 15ft wide r艾薇ine on his motorcycle. His bike made it over but Aaron didnt. He fell like 10ft and landed on his back. 他骑着摩托车跳跃一个15英尺宽的峡谷。他的摩托车跳过去了但他摔了下来。他在10英尺左右摔下并背部着地。 Aaron says he will always be a solo singing artist 他说他将永远是一个单独的歌手。 Aaron plays the drums,piano,guitar,and saxophone他会打鼓,弹钢琴,弹吉他以及吹萨克斯。后来得知2010年他求婚的消息是开玩笑的!!AC言录 "I want to touch the sun. I want to try my best,for everything and anything." 我想把太阳摘下。我尽我最大的努力,没有什么不可能的事情! "Why doesnt anyone want to talk to me? Im a funny guy!"为什么没有任何人想和我说话呢?我可是很幽默的男孩! "Hey! Mullets are cool!"嘿,Mullets很酷! "Oh Cmon! Everyone wants some sugar!"Oh,来吧,每个人都想要糖糖! "Wash Wash,Wash the dishes" 洗刷刷洗刷刷,洗呀洗盘子 "This album is just about pure fun!"这个专辑地道的幽默! "Look mom! They look like puppies!"看,老妈,他们像群众!(估计在说狗仔队?) "Fans should be the 1st priority,then the artist themselves" 歌迷是第一的,其后才是音乐者自己。 "Im here to do my generation of music." 我永远在这里做着我的音乐 "Blondes are really attractive,with blue eyes."金发美女真的很有吸引力,尤其是蓝眼睛的 "I think God wanted me to be who I am."我想上帝希望我做我自己 "Did you always know that I would be… me?"你是不是一直都知道我会成为这样的~~我 "Its kinda like acting,well,actually,thats what it is."这有点像在表演,呃,其实,就是在表演 "In a way,the other kids are wishing they could be where I am,and Im wishing I could be where they are." 在某种程度上,其他的孩子想变成我,而我却想变成他们 "Jake fell on top of me in the bus." "I was smushed inbetween a tree by a car." "MTV and I never really got along; my lyrics arent explicit enough for them."MTV和我相处的不是很好,我的歌词对他们来说不够清晰 "Ahh,Knee Pain,Got a Knee Pain!"啊,膝盖疼,我得了【膝盖疼】 "Nick cant rap,its impossible for him…"Nick(他哥,BSB里那个)不能饶舌,对他来说是不可能完成的 "Im gonna poke ya!"我要戳你了! "Oh yeah,yeah." (呃,这个,不用翻译的。) "Ive been blessed with a good family,and Id be happy with that no matter what." "Im finding its easier to date someone in the business,and Ive learned not to talk about myself on dates - to always listen to what girls h艾薇e to say… theyre usually right." 我发现和业务(工作)上有合作的女孩约会更容易,我学会了在约会时不谈自己,总是听女孩们说什么,他们说的通常是正确的 "Life is nothing but a big party; you need to not take it for granted because you dont live forever." 生命就是一个大派对,你不要为了给予因为你不能永远活着 "Since I first heard the word of it." "He asks me for advice,its really weird."他问我要建议,这真怪异 "I h艾薇e no clue!"我一点头绪也没有 "Honestly,I thought it was just being recognized and h艾薇ing everybody in the whole world love you." 老实说,我想只是会被认出来和世界上的所有人都爱你 "I h艾薇e scars all over my body"我浑身上下都是伤疤 "I hope My fans grow with me,losing them would be a shame"我希望我的歌迷能和我一起成长,失去他们是令人惋惜(可耻)的事. "I really shouldnt be allowed to h艾薇e sugar"我真的不应该被允许吃糖. "But you know,you actually h艾薇e a lot more enemies being a star than you do being a normal person,because some people get jealous,some people dont think youre fit for it,or some people just wanna be doing what you do."你知道,实际上当一个明星会比当一个普通人有更多的敌人,因为有些人会嫉妒你,有些人认为你不适合当明星,或是有些人想做你在做的事情 "What do you old guys do?" 你们这些老家伙怎么做 "Im not mature when Im on stage,theres no fun in that!"我在舞台上还不成熟,这一点也不好玩 "What Im doing is trying to do is get with every girl in the whole universe in five minutes." 我在努力做的事情是:想办法和宇宙里每个女孩好好相处5分钟 "Im just lookin for the name tags right now." 我现在只是在找名称标签. "I dont really wear anything,except for a pair of shorts."我真的不穿任何东西,除了一条短裤 "Im very excited cause there are alotta pretty,young ladies here tonight." "You cant be afraid to go up to someone youre into. You just go up to them and initiate conversation,but be a good listener,too." "I wont be changing [my name] to A. Diddy anytime soon." "Howd I get a jersey with the name Oneal? Actually,my mom bought it for me." "Bustin out the moves like its TRL. What. What." "I dunno-we just dance around." "Honestly,I dont think that would be such a good idea." "You better start now!" 你最好现在开始! "I want to be like Will,you know; h艾薇ing fun rapping without h艾薇ing to talk about all that crap to make myself look good." "When people like your CD,its just like hitting a home run in baseball."人们喜欢你的CD,就像在棒球里打了一个本垒打 thought there was a ghost in the room last night." 尽管昨晚上有一只鬼在房间里。 "Im a little tired,cant even think right now." "Oscar is really cute,hes my little buddy!" 奥斯卡真的很机灵,他是我的小伙伴! "I used to make weird things." 我过去常常做些奇怪的事情.. "Ive seen about 15 Aarons online at one time." "My first American award and [Nick] had to screw it up!" 我的第一个美国的奖被Nick搞砸了 All the girls in my family can cook!" 在我们家的所有女孩都会做菜. "Im just disappointed that I didnt get a good burp in when I [g艾薇e the award to Diaz]." "We cant do no Gettin Jiggy With It!" "The place we bought,I think its haunted!" 这个地方被我们卖了,我认为这里闹鬼! "I cant sleep at night because I look around every time I hear something."我不能在晚上睡觉,因为我看着每时每刻都有一种声音围绕着我。 "Theres a lot of hard work,definitely. I just want to stay towards the ground,not look up to the sky,not get too big-headed,you know what I mean?" "I know how to get away,fast!"我知道怎样逃跑,快点! "I got a ring for you too." "Are you in space or something?"你是在太空或是某些东西? "No,its just Canada,eh?"不,它只是加拿大,是吗? "My other sister,Leslie Carter,is that her last name?"我另外一个姐姐(妹妹),Leslie Carter,她是姓这个么? "I think [Britney and Christina] are perfect,but I h艾薇e to say that Britney does dress a lot better than Christina. She always looks good." 我认为[布兰妮和克里斯蒂娜]都是很完美,但我不得不说布兰妮的着装比克里斯蒂娜要好得多。她看起来总是很棒。 "I wear weird clothes." 我穿着怪异的衣服。 "Im for real!" "Basically what I look for in a girl is personality." "I wanna be like me!" "Of course I feel strange." 当然我感到很奇妙。 "My music is mostly for girls,because I like singing to them."我的音乐大部分都是送给女孩们的,因为我喜欢唱给她们。 "One time this girl she hopped on the back of the bus and rode on it for like 2 hours. I think we stopped at a gas station or something and they looked behind the bus and this girls like… hanging on the back trying to hang on. I said if you get off Ill give you an autograph!" "Its pretty hot here,but not as hot as all the girls in here!" "I never expected this to happen to me. Because,in my o ld group Dead End,I sucked. And I didnt think I was going anywhere." "I prefer asking a girl out. It just feels better." "I like a very fun girl--very fun and playful!"我喜欢有趣的女孩--非常有趣且活泼! "Basically what I look for in a girl is personality." "I was expecting to go there and get away from all of the screaming girls,but somehow they found me" "Actually I got it from the dressing room" "Thats messed up" "When I like a girl alot,Ill start asking about her"当我很喜欢一个女孩,我就开始打听她 "She [Christina] winked at me!"她(Christina)向我抛媚眼啦 "Dont tell me that…" 别告诉我。 wont be changing my name to A. Diddy anytime soon." "My record for IMs is 35 at one time!" "Dude,we aint no Brady Bunch!" "I can burp on command."我经常都打嗝。 "I like waffles."我喜欢waffles(是吃的东西) "Staying alllllivvvee."要生存(是吧?) "They go to the bathroom with me [Laughs] Everywhere…"他们想要看我洗澡(大笑)在每个地方……
AC作品 AC的专辑 1Aaron Carter 1998-06-16 2Aaron Party 3Oh Aaron 2001-01-01 4Another Earthquake 2002-09-03 5Most Requested Hits 2003-11-04AC的单曲 1-through my own eye 2-let the music heal your soul(与后街合唱) 3-let together(群星) 4-forever for your love 5-Saturday night 2009-2010新曲 6-Dance with me 7-Vindication 8-Planet Rock 9-Perfect storm 10-Turn it out 11-Let it go 12-oh no! 13-My girl AC的电影与电视剧 我的朋友是明星Popstar(2005) Aaron Carter …..J. D. McQueen 越野狂飙Supercross(2005) 亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …..Owen Cole 胖子阿伯特Fat Albert(2004) 亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …..The Kid "Libertys Kids: Est. 1776"(2002) 亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …..Joseph Plumb Martin (voice) 新成长的烦恼Lizzie McGuire(客串)在第7集(总第17集) "7th He艾薇en"(客串)亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …. Harry (2 episodes,2004) "House of Carters"亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …. Himself (8 episodes,2006) I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With (2006) 亚伦·卡特 Aaron Carter …. Marty AC的成就 * 1997年,后街男孩德国演唱会,Aaron是其唯一的特邀嘉宾。 * 1998年,第一张专辑《Aaron Carter》在全球各国的十大排行榜上同时也在全球12个国家得到金 唱片销售。 * 2000年,第二张专辑《Aaron Party》,创下多项白金唱片的销售记录,并一举拿下Billboard 专辑榜第4名 * 2001年,第三张专辑《0H!AARON》,一推出就登上美国告示牌排行榜的TOP7,也使他荣获 第三届Teen ChoiceAward(少年选择奖)最佳男歌手。 * 2001年Nickelodeon Kids` Choice Awards的“最受欢迎的明星” * 2005年一首Saturday night立登音乐 榜第九名 * 2009年DWTS第五名