
Profile for: Barbara
About her:
Name: Barbara
Body type: Average
Hair color: Brunette
Pussy hair: Landing Strip
Ethnicity: Latina
Ass: Medium Ass
Tit size: Medium Tits
Tit type: Natural
Pussy type: Outie
is an amateur girl. She is has long curly hair and a nice round ass. Her MILFy exploits are on BangBros for you to enjoy.
Videos featuring : Top rated - Most recent
Video Title: Brazilian Butt Slam
Added: January 18, 2003
Rating: 7.45 (92 votes)
Website: momsanaladventure
Movie: Play Trailer
Models in update:
The other week I was rolling with Anthony and Ugs trying to find some young bizzzz for the Bangbus when we saw this fine older chick. So we figured we would could knockout another Anal Adventure. It turned out that she was looking for a job so we g艾薇e her one Bang bus stylel. The Dirty one